For the ultimate in credit card acceptance savings, merchants should consider our 100% Compliant Cash Discount program where list prices are displayed and a cash discount amount is shown encouraging payment by cash.
If, however, payment is made by credit or debit card, our technology and devices will charge 'card price' for you automatically. The difference is applied to processing costs. This leaves you with significant bottom line savings every single month.

Our Guarantee
Try cash discount for 31 days and if you don't like it, no problem. We will switch your account back to traditional processing. No contract. Ever.
Pure StokeĀ®
"I am a huge fan of Smart Merchants. Every employee of this company that I have worked with has given Pure StokeĀ® tip-top customer care and support."
Mad Statter
"Not only does this company provide competitive pricing they also have the patience to explain how their pricing works and they give you tips on how to make sure you get the best rate."